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Why Lumen Depreciation is Costlier Than You Think
LEDs, like all light sources, lose light over time. 为你的设计定义照明目标和目的是很重要的,同时也要意识到在将流明衰减数据应用于LED灯具时常见的错误.
LEDs, like all light sources, lose light over time. 用来描述这种情况的术语有时被称为流明折旧. In lighting design, 了解这种随时间下降的速率可以帮助确定未来某一时刻可用的光量. For a little historical perspective, 传统的HID灯随着时间的推移失去光的速度比led快得多. In addition, HID灯的下降速度不受全国十大赌博官网设计的影响, 因此,规则已经到位,并平等地适用于所有制造商的全国十大赌博官网,因为它与流明折旧有关.
LED luminaires are different. First, LED灯具被设计成以比传统全国十大赌博官网更慢的速度失去光线,从而消除了昂贵的重新照明事件. Second, not all LEDs deliver the same performance as it relates to lumen depreciation; therefore, if manufacturers are using different LEDs, you’ll likely get different results. 此外,LED的性能也会受到全国十大赌博官网设计的影响. 制造商决定应用于LED的电流量, 以及全国十大赌博官网如何设计来热管理LED本身的温度, will also influence light loss over time. 最后,应该指出的是,流明折旧数据并不是对全国十大赌博官网寿命的陈述. Many misinterpret statements like L70 to reflect product life, but it does not. L70 声明只是简单地预测LED何时将处于其初始光输出的70%或30%流明衰减, under the conditions for that product. 它绝对没有要求整体灯具的预期“寿命”.
当谈到正确应用流明折旧数据到LED灯具, there are some common mistakes. 这些包括忽略流明衰减发生和/或假设流明衰减在所有全国十大赌博官网中以相同的速率发生. In addition, 许多人没有考虑和定义其设计的有用或预期应用寿命. Since lumen depreciation occurs over time, 定义有用或预期的应用寿命对于根据定义的应用寿命选择相应的流明折旧值至关重要. Lastly, it’s critical to define your lighting goals and objectives, 帮助确保当您的流明折旧值应用到您的设计, 您有信心,您的照明系统将继续产生足够的光,以满足您的应用在其整个设计寿命的照明要求.
让我们试着通过一个例子来让大家更容易理解 outdoor LED fixtures.
假设我们被要求设计和选择一个在杂货店停车场使用的灯具. 在与业主交谈并完成照明设计过程后, we determine that 28,为满足业主所要求的最低照明性能,需要10,000流明. Since this is the minimum lumens required to do the job, 无论我们选择什么全国十大赌博官网,我们都需要考虑随着时间的推移而产生的光损失,以确保我们能够在安装的第一个晚上之后满足业主的照明要求. We must also define the expected application life, 由于我们选择的流明折旧值将基于未来的某个时间点. 在我们的示例中,我们假设应用程序的预期寿命为50,000小时(11小时).4 years based on 12 hours of use each night).
Application assumptions:
- 满足照明要求所需的最小流明= 28,000(最低使用亮度)
- Expected application life = 50,000 hours (11.4 years (12 hours/night of use)
Luminaire A
Lumen Maintenance Factor (LMF) = 0.70 @ 50,000 hours (30% light loss from initial @ 50K hours)
Required initial lumens based on 0.70 LMF = 40,000 lumens (40,000 X 0.70 = 28,000)
Luminaire B
Lumen Maintenance Factor = 0.95 @ 50,000 hours (5% light loss from initial @ 50K hours)
Required initial lumens based on 0.95 LMF = 29,474 lumens (29,474 X 0.95 = 28,000)
What’s the value of significantly reduced lumen depreciation? 你会注意到,我们期望灯具A和灯具B最终在同一个地方(~28),000 lumens). So, what’s the difference? 因为随着时间的推移,灯具B的流明折旧要少得多, 它的初始光照水平更接近50的最低服役光照水平,000 hours. Luminaire A requires significantly more initial lumens, 40,000 lumens in our example versus only 29,灯具B全国十大赌博官网需要474初始流明(比灯具A全国十大赌博官网多35%以上初始流明).
The economic implication is a higher lumen, higher cost product (Luminaire A, 40,000 lumens), that consumes more energy, further increasing the total cost of ownership. From an environmental standpoint, 更多的光线或明显的过度照明空间会增加对环境的光污染以及由此带来的所有负面后果. So, 而灯具A在其使用寿命的大部分时间内显著地突出了空间, 灯具B消除了整个应用程序的显着过光. In addition, if you consider efficacy or Lumens Per Watt (LPW) at 50,000 hours, 你会发现灯具B在50度时也会更节能,000 hours compared to Luminaire A.
So, 下次你想把所有LED灯具的流明衰减都看成是一样的时候, resist the urge. Not only will it cost you money, 但它也会损害LED照明为您的应用提供的一些环境效益.